Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

For expertly carried out FATs, call 01634 729 690.

Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

For our clients, acquiring robust air handling units is fundamental to both ECE and the end user’s success. Simply purchasing our equipment without understanding the product just isn’t enough. Guaranteeing the equipment’s functionality, efficiency, and safety provides a proactive approach, where due diligence reigns supreme. This is where the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) steps in, acting as a critical checkpoint before your Air Handling Unit leaves our factory floor.

Essentially, a FAT is a series of thorough tests conducted by ECE at our facility, before the equipment gets delivered to your site. It comprises comprehensive quality checks, simulating operating conditions and testing for potential failures. This proactive approach identifies problems before they become teething issues, saving you time, money, and frustration.

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Understand Our Services: Call Us

To understand the benefit of a FAT, get in touch with our expert team. You’ll receive a fully bespoke solution from our professional engineers. Call 01634 729 690, email sales@eceuk.com, or fill out our contact form to get started.

Why do we conduct a FAT?

Early problem detection

  • Catch imperfections early: Identifying potential issues before the equipment is delivered saves you time, money, and hassle. Fixing snags at your site can be more expensive than addressing them during the FAT.
  • Prevent costly downtime: By uncovering potential faults or performance inconsistencies early, you can prevent costly downtime and avoid the disruptions caused after installation.

Contractual assurance

  • Verify compliance: The FAT acts as a concrete proof point that the AHU has met your specification. It ensures the equipment meets all agreed-upon quality, performance metrics, and safety standards.
  • Reduce risk of disputes: A successful FAT minimises the risk of specification disputes by providing clear documentation and verification that the equipment meets your expectations.

Improved installation and commissioning

  • Smooth transition: A successfully passed FAT paves the way for a smoother and less error-prone installation and commissioning process. You can expect fewer surprises at your site, leading to faster operational readiness.
  • Reduce installation costs: By minimising the need for post-installation troubleshooting and adjustments, the FAT can help lower your installation costs.

Enhanced safety and quality

  • Minimise safety hazards: Rigorous safety tests during the FAT ensure the equipment adheres to all relevant safety regulations and standards, minimising the risk of accidents or injuries.
  • Guarantee quality and performance: The FAT provides a comprehensive assessment of the equipment’s quality and performance, ensuring it meets your specific needs and expectations.

Building trust and confidence

  • Transparent communication: The FAT process fosters transparency and open communication between ECE and the end user, building trust and confidence in our partnership.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your equipment has undergone a thorough testing and verification process provides peace of mind and reduces the anxiety associated with new equipment integration.

Get in touch

Speak with our team to ensure you receive an air handling unit that suits your needs. Call 01634 729 690 or email sales@eceuk.com.

Our enquiry form

What is the process?

Once your Air Handling Unit is manufactured, our engineers complete a series of checks and assessments on your unit. This verifies the components and installation matches your design, that the unit is configured correct, and meets specifications such as HTM03:01, VDI6022, BS EN1886 and Building Bulletin 101.

Our team will test fan rotation and vibration, complete an air tightness test, volume against pressure test, a filter DOP test, and a point-to-point electrical test. They’ll also provide training for your site engineers on how to change motors, filters, and remove the door guard safely. Completing a FAT will assure you that your new air handling unit is safe to use and will operate as specified.

Further details

As part of the FAT you’ll be provided documentation known as the FAT Protocol, this outlines the procedures to be used during the test and all preparations that need to be made before it.

Further documentation and test procedures completed during a FAT are listed below:

  • Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (IOM) manual
  • Recommended spare parts lists
  • Certificates of compliance
  • As-built certified drawings
  • Air tightness test certificate
  • Volume against pressure test certificate
  • Filter DOP test certificate
  • Controls software demonstration
  • Controls hardware verification

After a successful FAT, a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is performed at the customer’s site. The purpose of the SAT is to ensure that the air handling unit has been properly installed and commissioned and ready for operation.

The benefits of a SAT are similar to that of a FAT. A SAT provides Realtime Quality Verification and Quality Satisfaction for the client. The SAT increases customer satisfaction by ensuring that the AHU performs as the customer’s requirements.

After the SAT is completed, a report is prepared that summarises the test results and provides a final evaluation.

Contact us

For air handling units you can rely on and Factory Acceptance Testing for your peace of mind, contact 01634 729 690 or email sales@eceuk.com.

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